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7-Day Jumpstart Challenge

The 7-Day Challenge will empower you to jump start on your health with a Lifestyle Medicine approach. Join us and take charge of your health

About this Event

The Lotus Health Foundation teams up with Rochester Clinic medical team and the Rochester SDA Church to host this FREE lifestyle centered jumpstart challenge.

What is 7-Day Jumpstart Challenge?

7-Day Jumpstart Challenge is to prepare you physically and mentally to experience the benefits of improved health in just 7 days. It’s a lifestyle makeover. A well-balanced Whole Food, Plant-based (WFPB) diet that is rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, and fiber is scientifically proven to prevent or reverse many chronic diseases. People can notice the health improvements in just a few days. We are here to provide you resources to adopt WFPB nutrition and other five health habits - sleep, stress management, movement, passion, and social connections.

Why Jumpstart?

  1. Flush out your system with all the fiber found in fruits, grains and vegetables.

  2. Improve appetite and intensifies taste perception.

  3. Improve intestinal tract function

  4. Decrease fluid retention.

  5. Help break food addictions.

  6. Gain energy, lift brain fog, and feel happier

  7. Eat more, weigh less, no calorie counting

  8. Normalize cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure

How it works?

We provide you with resources and support. You commit to your total health for seven days.

Knowing why and learning how to adopt WFPB diet will help your journey to health easy and fun. Therefore, we recommend Physician Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) 21-Day Vegan Kickstart Program as education tool for this 7-Day Jumpstart Challenge. This well-developed program provides many simple delicious recipes, health topics, shopping and cooking tips. You may access to the program through a phone app and website.

Participants will expect two fasting finger sticks to obtain the glucose and cholesterol values before and after the Jumpstart. For the best results with the challenge, we do recommend avoiding animal products, processed foods, and dairy products. Volunteers from Rochester Seventh-day Adventist Church will host two community nights for additional support.

7-Day Jumpstart Challenge Schedule

Day 1: 1/19 (Sunday) 8 -10 a.m.:

  • Check in 8 a.m.

  • Fasting finger stick for glucose and cholesterol test, vital signs (weight, temp, waist, BP, body fat)

  • Cooking demo, breakfast, Jumpstart instruction, and Q&A

Day 3: 1/21 (Tuesday) 6-8 pm: Potluck and cooking demo. Bring your favorite WFPB dish to share. Q&A with health expert.

Day 5: 1/23 (Thursday) 6-8 pm: Potluck and cooking demo. Bring your favorite WFPB dish to share. Q&A with health expert.

Day 8: 1/26 (Sunday) 8-10 a.m.:

  • Check in 8 a.m.

  • Fasting finger stick for glucose and cholesterol test, vital signs (weight, temp, waist, BP, body fat)

  • Cooking demo, breakfast, story sharing, survey.

Who should participate?

If you or your loved ones have one or more of the following health conditions or determine to take charge of health.

Heart disease/Overweight/Diabetes/Arthritis/Stroke/Certain cancers/


You must register to attend. Registration will be closed by noon on Saturday, January 18, or at the max of 40 participants.

Questions? Contact 507 218-3095 or

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